Sierra Wireless - AirVantage

Configure an application view

This article explains the different steps to create an application view. It allows you to associate your own web view to a specific embedded application. Your application view will rely on OAuth to authentify against AirVantage, and will be able to use APIs for retrieving data, editing settings, etc.

Application view requirements

As we have already seen, an application view is a web application using AirVantage APIs. Therefore you will need:

  1. An API Client identifier
  2. Support for OAuth Implicit Code Flow
  3. A View URL to access your view accepting the following parameters
    • system: the monitored system uid
    • application: the embedded application uid

Create an API Client

  1. Go to Develop > API Clients
  2. Click on the Create action
  3. In the Create API Client modal:
    • Provide a Name
    • A Redirect URL
    • Required by the OAuth Implicit Code Flow
    • More info here


Develop your web application

Help yourself, choose the web framework that best works for you, just remember that you need: * An URL (the redirect URL) that will be used during the Implicit Code Flow step to get an access_token * An URL (the view URL) that will be used as entry point of your application view

Here is a small AngularJS web application we developped which can be helpful.

Setup your application view

OK! So now you have a running application, don’t forget to deploy it on a web server that can be accessed by AirVantage. For a better integration with AirVantage, HTTPS access to your application is recommended.

Now you can declare a new application view:

  1. Go to Develop > My Apps and open the details page of your embedded application
  2. Click on the Add View button
  3. Select the previously created API Client
  4. And provide the View URL
  5. Hit the Save button and you’re good to go


Test it on a system

Now that your embedded application is set up, you can check the integration in your system details page:

  1. Go to Monitor > Systems and open the details of your System
  2. You should see a new button next to your application name
  3. Clicking on the button opens your application view
    • If you provided an HTTP based View URL your view will be opened in a separated tab.


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