API Libraries


A Node.js example for AirVantage API (thanks Mahmut Bulut!).


An example of using the Airvantage REST API in Clojure.


A simple OAuth2 + JSon client in Go for gathering the list of gateway from AirVantage.


This example will help you access AirVantage API from Ruby.


AWS Web Server Sample in PHP using AirVantage API.


This example will help you access AirVantage API from Java. It uses the Scribe library for OAuth authentication.


This project aims to provides a light and flexible Shell script that enables to interact with AirVantage M2M Cloud API in command-line.


Mobile / Web applications

Android template

This template provides a basic Android application with one screen to be logged in using AirVantage credentials. It implements OAuth Authorization code flow and use application preferences to store the token to have the session between several application usages or if the phone reboots.

Eclo Watch

eclo watch is sample node.js application that aims to show how to use AirVantage to create an added value service on top of it. This sample application make use of some of the REST API provided to build a custom UI that fits a specific domain.

AV Phone

An Android application to monitor the state of a printer simulated by your phone and send this state periodically to the AirVantage platform.

AirVantage Universe

Universe demonstrates how easy it is to create an IoT application using AirVantage, Android Facebook Parse.com

Embedded applications

Flyport GPRS Greenhouse

An example application using an OpenPicus Flyport GPRS to connect a greenhouse to AirVantage using MQTT

Push Aleos data using ALEOS AF+MQTT

Push ALEOS data using MQTT + ALEOS AF

Mihini Greenhouse

Arduino Mihini Corona

MQTT on OpenAT

This sample demonstrates how to communicate with AirVantage using an OpenAT application communicating using MQTT.

MQTT on BeagleBone Black

This sample demonstrates how to communicate with AirVantage using a BeagleBone Black application and Node.js communicating using MQTT.

MQTT on Raspberry Pi

This sample demonstrates how to communicate with AirVantage using a Raspberry Pi application communicating using MQTT.



Leshan is a OMA Lightweight M2M LWM2M server implementation written in Java


LDT is about providing Lua developers with an IDE based on Eclipse providing the user experience developers expect from any other tool dedicated to a static programming language.



A web application in django available for one vote over three smileys in order to know their mood.

Git Build Data Plugin

A Jenkins plugins enables to show Git build data in different places, like in job list columns or job details.

AirVantage Export Crossfilter

Analyze the CSV of your export operations done in AirVantage. The application is available here.


Simple munin plugin scripts written in python which extract information from HMaster & RegionServer web pages and format them for Munin


Rustic data mining toolbox


A MQTT proxy written in Go


Synchronize your Netatmo urban weather station data with Sierra Wireless AirVantage M2M Cloud.


SNMP to AirVantage client - written in Go


Push EDF power meter teleinfo protocol to AirVantage - written in Go

System simulator (MQTT)

A simulator for a system communicating using MQTT with AirVantage.

AirVantage / MQTT / Node-RED

A MQTT client for AirVantage based on Node-RED and React.